Easter Sunday is always a time of intense preparation and focus for pastors. Of course. This is when our C.M.E. (Christmas, Mother’s Day, and Easter members come out in droves. It is one of the only times of the year where our culture encouraged people to hear the gospel message. This is when we get a free pass to tell “The Story” But how you tell the story changes depending on your context.
No I don’t mean watering down the message. Far from that. I’m speaking more about what you emphasize.
In Eric Law’s book The Wolf shall Dwell with the Lamb he talks about the different ways majority and minority cultures need to hear the gospel.
1. Preaching to the majority culture needs to be focused on the cross. Why? Because the majority culture needs to hear about the downward mobility of Jesus. Those who are living the good life need to hear how Christ laid down his life for others.
2. Preaching to the minority culture needs to be focused on the resurrection. Why? Because those who have been oppressed and stepped on need to hear about the God who makes a way out of no way and can turn death into life.
Like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YByT6wfdhJs (forgive the misrepresented pics of Jesus)
So what do you think? Do different cultures and ethnicities need different aspects of the gospel emphasized for their context? What if you have both groups represented in your congregation?